Why do a Wilderness Solo Immersion?
Remember Your True (WILD) Nature​
In our modern lives we are often disconnected from nature, and her wild places. We walk on concrete, in rubber soled shoes, on our phones, in our cars, and inside with our controlled temperatures … any wonder we feel disconnected from the greater ecosystem of Life; our own lives and our truth/path.
This was not always this way! Not that long ago, a mere speck on our evolutionary time line here on this planet, we lived very differently. We were intimately connected to the ebb and flow of this planet, and the cosmos. It was part of daily life, and of our spiritual lives. We lived in reverence and reciprocity with the land. We were more comfortable and confident with the Wild, within and without.
This modern-life disconnection has a HUGE negative impact on our well being; physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
So how do we reconnect, how do we remember our
birth rite of belonging?
There are many ways to find your way home… one of those, and my personal favourite, is to venture out of my home and 'comfort zone' and fully immerse myself in nature, on country, away from all the noise and distractions of my daily life (most especially the mobile phone!).
Around the globe indigenous peoples have various names for, and rituals around, this process. In North America it is referred to as “Vision Quest”. This is because the tradition is to be out on country for a minimum of 3 nights, fasting and only drinking water (traditionally men didn't even drink water). This, along with removing distractions of food and eating, allows the body to reach a state of ketosis. In this state we are more likely to be able to connect with the liminal realms. This for some leads to ‘seeing’ a vision, beyond what the physical eyes can see. This may not be in the form of a literal vision, it may also present as feelings or message downloads, or appear in the dreamscape.
Some experience an 'ego death'; when part of the personality that you developed to survive your previous negative life experiences 'dies' making space for your true nature to be remembered and realised.
You may also literally experience yourself as one with the natural world in a heightened state, heart fully open.
That is, if you choose to step over the threshold…
Arrival on site: Friday the 25th of October, at 1:30 pm
Return home: Saturday the 3rd of November, around 11 am
What is involved in such a Quest?​
This is not a survival challenge… you will not be ‘in danger’ beyond the perceived danger of what arises within you.
For me personally these perceived fears generally arise as I am contemplating taking that next step in a new direction. I hear the voice in my head (my ego) telling me things like, "You can't afford this", or "You can't do this right now", or "That's too hard for someone like you"... ha! I call this my 'resistance fear' and I've made friends with it! So now when I sense it arising within me it is an indication that this is in fact something that will help me grow and expand beyond my current experience of myself and my life.
I know that the voice of my ego believes it is helping me, but I now understand that it is limited and fearful of change and listening to it will only keep me small and hidden.
All of us are called to face our fears at some stage. For some people it is fear of the dark, fear of scarcity, fear of abandonment, for others it is quite literally, their fear of death. This can sound ominous indeed… however, imagine facing your big fear in a safe container in which you are fully seen, heard and held so that you may choose to consciously face and move beyond that fear?
What in your life would be possible without that fear?
For some of us we simply need a bone deep reminder that we belong, that we are meant to be here, that we are enough.
What would your life be like if you trusted that you are enough?
This, the Wilderness Solo/Vision Quest/Wilderness Immersion process is an ancient robust magic… in fact chances are very high that some version of this way, of returning and listening to land, and Self, exists in all of our lineages if we go back far enough!
Are you ready to remember and reclaim your birth rite?
THE BIG PICTURE - what to expect, eagle view
Once you have signed up the journey begins...
1. Individual 'Inner-view' via Zoom with two of us - to help you prepare for what may arise for you, and for us to better understand how to support you
2. Join our signal chat group - for ongoing connection and support before and after quest
3. Group Zoom call to connect - to connect as a community
4. Group Zoom call closer to our physical gathering for further preparation, and information sharing
5. Gather on country for 9 days together, including 3 nights on your solo quest
6. Group Zoom call - one lunar cycle post gathering to share and reflect (how is everyone integrating their experience?)
Arrival on site: Friday the 25th of October, at 1:30 pm
Return home: Saturday the 3rd of November, around 11 am
We will spend the first 2.5 days in ceremony, intimately connecting to the land, and preparing you for your solo immersion. You will be held and witnessed through the process of refining your personal intentions (distillation for increased potency!).
You then embark on 3 days and 3 nights of ‘wilderness solo’ (a.k.a. vision quest); communing with the land on your own whilst fasting and without worldly distractions. During this time, and throughout the gathering, we at base camp will be holding and supporting you. On the morning of the third day you will pack up your solo camp and return to base camp. We will be there to welcome you back with love.
There will then be a further 2.5 days of integration, processing and celebrating together as a community, before returning home on the final day at around 11 am. (Please note: self-responsibility is a must when embarking on this type of journey. This includes your preparation, during the gathering itself, and beyond. For instance if you require further assistance with your integration process, please seek additional support if needed).
Naturally there are aspects of the journey that we do not share here as they are sacred, and kept as such.
Food: All food is provided and will be mostly organic, vegan and gluten free with sides of animal protein; e.g. tuna, dairy and eggs etc. for those who want it.
Sleeping and gear: All sleeping is under a tarp or in a tent. You will need to provide all your own gear for this event. An extensive list will be provided for you once you book.
Exchange: $2,222
We understand that for most, this is a 'big ticket item', however, we also appreciate the extensive work behind the scenes, our pre and post wilderness solo support, and when face-to-face, plus the increasing costs of supplies (we do our best to source local organic food for the gathering). If you feel this quest is for you, we encourage you to say "Yes" to yourself early, so that you can sign up to a payment plan ASAP.
Partial scholarship available. Interview required.​
Curious, but maybe feeling, all the feels, and wanting more information…
You can also follow us on Instagram:
Collectively we are @wildearthmagick
Natasha @seekbalance
Evonne @evonnewildheart
Yonke @templeoftheforest
Artemis @she_awakening
If you have any questions or concerns about this process, or are interested in joining us in October, please contact me via the website contact page here.
I am very happy to organise a chat over the phone, there are no silly questions or concerns, and everything is valid.
Words of wisdom from Gina (Gina spent 67 days in the wild, on her own, to win the first Australian season of the reality show, Alone):
“The more comfortable we are with the wilderness outside,
the more comfortable we are with the wilderness inside”

We are Wild Earth Magick.
Pictured on country.
From left to right:
Artemis, Yonke, Evonne & Natasha
Wild Earth Magick is the creation of Evonne Wildheart, Natasha Colchester, Yonke van Gloven and Artemis WS House.
We are women who have walked the path of wild beauty and land connection for decades.
Together we are offering the experience of deep holding, sacred ritual, immersive connection and transformative potential.