About Natasha
Natasha Colchester
Bachelor of Behavioural Science | Diploma in Kinesiology | Past Life Regression Therapy | Theta Healing (Basic and Advanced) | Soul Link |School of Shamanic Womancraft 3rd year Apprentice (Four Seasons Journey VIC) |Certificate IV in Training & Assessment.
Before deciding to finally pursue a career in holistic medicine I was living a very mundane life; living in what I now see as a dream world. However, this was not a good dream, nor was it very fulfilling! At the time I was living in England, working in a job that did not challenge or inspire me, and I tried to fill my time (and my emptiness) with socialising, shopping, and watching television. These things allowed me to remain numb to the fact that I was not actually happy!​
Luckily I woke up – it suddenly felt urgent that I return to Australia and begin studying holistic medicine... only I wasn't sure what exactly. A very good friend of mine, who was living in Melbourne at the time, was the one responsible for telling me about kinesiology and I have never looked back. It sounds crazy now, but without having ever experienced kinesiology (or really understanding what it was) I quit my job, bought a plane ticket to Melbourne, and packed my things – honestly, the fact is that I had a very strong gut feeling that this was my path. This does not mean the journey was easy, not at all. Not long after I arrived in Melbourne I completely freaked out (my faith was tested!), however, I am so glad I followed my intuition, trusting in it even when things felt challenging.
My journey has continued to shift and evolve bringing more teachers, modalities, wisdom and experiences to my table. After a journey of over a decade I trust that I am able to offer my unique gifts to my clients... to expand beyond my training, my ego and my fears; to show up as myself, being a clear channel for my ancient wisdom and higher guidance in the moment. I also trust that this evolution of life unfolding will continue to move and shape me.
I have now completed my apprenticeship with the School of Shamanic Womancraft Four Seasons Journey. Having completed this journey myself in 2018 I know how transformative this type of shared experience is... journeying together over a year, gathering on the land, birthing a shamanic drum, delving deep in sacred ceremony, connecting with other women, healing the sisterhood.
Three of the elements that had the biggest impact upon me, and my re-discovery of my self, were: birthing my own shamanic drum, going on vision quest (wilderness solo) and sitting in circle with women - sisters. All of which I have incorporated into my group offerings.
Thank you to everyone who has been part of this magical journey (past, present, and future), I am deeply grateful for each of you.
Personally I believe that we are all here to express our authentic selves and remember that we belong, bone deep, to this place. Each time we listen to, trust and follow our intuition we are one step closer to this actuality, and the more time we spend in communion with nature the more connected we become. I believe that one of, if not the most, fundamental skill to (re) awaken within my clients is the ability to attune to their inner wisdom, to trust themselves above all else, and to reconnect to the natural world.
I have to be honest, I am not a huge fan of photos of myself, however, I do think it is nice to get an idea of who you are choosing when selecting the person who is going to be there with you whilst you are doing the inner work. So, here I am, dressing my truth, being SEEN.
Shamanic Tools - GALLERY
If you are interested in having a Shamanic Medicine Drum (& beater), or Rattle created for you please get in touch for more information. Please note: all living elements ethically harvested.